Call for Prayer
716-427-1427 Pin 473508#

Sun Thru Sat 7am to 8am

Our Founder Bishop Micheal Jones welcomes you to  Global media Ministries website where we share great information , revelation and celebration of the very best in gospel and traditional programing for more information call  and enjoy our 24 hour 7 days a week programming on Roku and our internet streaming station , Beacon 333 in Detroit and Sundays  at 8-10 am EST and Saturdays on The Impact Network at 1:30 am EST 10:30pm West coast and more. Check your local program schedule for more times and dates

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Restoration Multi Media Network is an Organization founded on Christian principles and we believe that we should dedicate all of our resources to the betterment of mankind.

We have used our television, cable systems, and radio to empower and encourage people to be the best that they can.  Living in a world where there is so much negativity and so much crime.

We are committed to counteract mass media negativity!